Monday, September 10, 2012

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent that WORKS

About a two years ago, I scoured the web looking for a great dishwashing detergent when Washington went phosphate free. I found several recipes. All called for these two ingredients: 
                                          Arm and Hammer Washing Soda

The variation of these recipes included salt, vinegar, a little Dawn dish soap, etc. I tried them all. I got dishes that never came completely clean. The cups came out with this film that just would not dissipate. So, I gave up and went back to using the Finish septic tablets. 

One day I was rounding up the Borax and Washing Soda to make my laundry detergent and stumbled upon Lemi Shine. The bottle claims to be a "Hard Water Expert" and boy, do I have hard water! So I picked up a bottle for about $3.50 and mixed in equal portions:

Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
Lemi Shine Original

I had put it in a plastic tupperware. I am always doing tons of dishes so I was able to try a load right away. Man, those dishes came out spotless with no film on the cups! I was ecstatic! The downside to this method, the detergent within 24 hours hardened like a rock! So now I am chiseling portions out of the tupperware. 

Take it from me; either 1) Mix the Borax and Arm and Hammer and just pour in the Lemi Shine on top of it when you put it in the dishwasher. OR 2) go to the Dollar Store and get little containers that hold about 2 ounces and make pre-make little containers to use. 

Below, I have attached a photo of the Lemi Shine product. All of these products are easy to find. The Borax and Washing Soda can be found with the laundry detergent products and the Lemi Shine can be found with the dishwashing detergent. 

Yea for finally finding a cheaper way to make the detergent  that WORKS!

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