Monday, July 23, 2012


The photo above is a page from my journal. I think that it's really important to journal. It has really helped me as a mother and a wife.

As a mother, I get to make a timeline and illustrate my kids' childhoods in words. Hopefully some day I can make them each a separate book sharing my thoughts on their developments, cute sayings, etc. I think that they will enjoy it someday. Hopefully it will also help them when their mothers and hope that it will give them moments in their motherhood where they can say, "wow, I'm not the only one that thinks this way."

As a wife, it's a way for me to vent. A lot of times I know that I'm only emotional due to reasons that have nothing to do with my spouse. That doesn't mean I don't take it out on him. So writing in my journal with all the honest things I'm feeling make me more level headed and less emotional. 

I've been journaling since my early teen years and I am now learning more ways that I can journal besides just writing down words. Above, I cut out a whole bunch of things that I loved from magazines. The words are from a lot of advertisements or articles. The frame that I used was from like JC Penney's photo studio advertising. I think this collage gives any reader a look into what is in my heart. 

I just hope that anybody would try to journal. I don't write every day or even every month, but I do write when the inspiration or emotions hit!

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