Not that I truly need to give anybody reasons why I do what I do, I thought I would try to give perspective. So, here's 12 reasons why I love my low maintenance cut:
Reasons I shave my head
*I've got 3 little girls' hair that has to be maintained. When they can maintain their own hair, I may consider keeping mine.
* my scalp and pocketbook like the break from massive amounts of hair product
*I stay cooler in Warmer weather
*taking a shower and taking care of my hair is a 15 minute process that eats into every morning. That's 1 hour and 45 minutes spent on my hair a WEEK or 7 HOURS/MONTH! (By the way, if the math is off, loss of hair can effect such things). I can think of a million other things that is more worthy of my time. Also, now I take a 5 minute shower before I go to bed (when I have the time) and know I'm not waking up with a fro in the morning
* I believe through this experience I'm teaching my kids that Beauty is not merited by personal appearance, but rather our actions and the purity of our hearts.
* I have more confidence with no hair vs. when I have hair. When I have hair I'm constantly conscious of the out of place curls and the frizziness of it. No hair= no worries. I know how I look
*my husband married me for my personality and inner beauty. We all know he didn't marry me for my model looks anyhow. Our love has grown stronger knowing that he will love me despite what I look like.
*I can get myself ready and out the door in 2 minutes now. Wouldn't most men love to say that about their woman?!
* I am not paying $15+ every 2 weeks on my hair. My hair grows so fast that to maintain a "look" that's how much it would need to be cut maintain
*how come if a woman has cancer and has her head shaved, she's beautiful and people support that? But when I shave my head, by choice, I receive negativity? I have yet to figure that out.
* it's hair and it grows back. And for me, that's not a long time to wait
* last, but not least, I have fun making people guess and wonder in a store, as they look upon me walking around with my 4 children, if I have cancer (or some other disease) or if I'm a lesbian