Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Hate My Kids' Birthday Party

In some ways I hate my kids' birthdays. Well, it's not celebrating their births I hate. I hate the amount of work that goes into the celebrations. I'm tired. I want to suspend birthdays in my house for a year! 

Every other month, we have a birthday in our household. Then when you sprinkle in holidays, our life is one endless celebration aka money pit to entertain people. Let me just say, I am not a mom that goes and rents out anywhere for my kid's birthdays, nor am I a Pinterest mom when it comes to parties. I'm a "lets eat good food, mingle and have a cake kind of mom". However, it all adds up. 

This is what I hate about birthday parties: 
1) I invite lots of people-- they all RSVP yes but then over 3/4 cancel via text message or Facebook message on day of party
2) I don't invite many people (or any until last minute) then end up offending people that they didn't get invited 
3) all the crap my kid gets. We have enough, lets not add more
4) since I have 4 kids, the thought has been impressed upon me "Great, another Marek birthday. Another gift to buy..." 
5) the cleaning of the house for lots of invited guests that choose not to show

So I find myself this month slacking more than I did for the last birthday in my household and double slacking from the one two birthdays ago. Which in translation means: I invited a few of our close friends (2 families to be exact) about 4ish days before the said party. I will make a homemade cake that while tasty, doesn't look pretty. I won't buy party favors because I'm too broke.  I know I offended people because of my poor planning. It's not that I don't want them to celebrate my child; it's just I am burned the fuck out. 

I'm excited for July and August. The only two back to back months that my immediate family doesn't have a birthday. However, my father-in-law's birthday is during that time and so is the 4th of July. 

I definitely need to think of a better way to be excited about my kids' birthdays. I'll let you know when I figure it out! Yea, right.

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