Monday, July 30, 2012

Feminine Products Review

One of my dear friends and I went to a theme park this last weekend. To find out, she almost had to cancel on me. It was the second day of her cycle. During the first 3 or so days of her period, she normally declines any outings because she is normally a heavy bleeder and cramps pretty bad. However, when she was out to my house this last time, I told her about the Soft Cups and gave her one of my disposable Soft Cups to try.  She sang me praise while we were at the theme park because on a typical period, day one and two she would always have to change her tampon every hour and a half! With the soft cup, she was liberated for a whole 7 hours! Also, she said she is surprised to find out that she doesn't feel bloated or cramped in the first few days of her period. She thinks now that it was more tampon related problems than menstrual problems. 
Now, I have actually not used the Soft Cup for that long either. I've used it for maybe a year. I didn't have anybody recommend it to me. I saw it on a store shelf and decided to try it. I loved it. I run with it and I don't feel a thing. Unlike my friend, I'm actually a light bleeder so I can wear the cup a full 12 hours without needing to worry about it. The only time I would ever have to adjust it would be after a bowel movement because that seemed to tweak where the cup was sitting. So after my friend and I had compared our experiences, the only difference that we came up with it was: I've had four children and so insertion was never a problem for me. However, she has never had children and found the first insertion to be a bit snug but still comfortable. Her only complaint was taking it out was a bit messy but I recommended her using latex gloves to help aid that. In a public place that can be wonderful so you don't have to come out of the bathroom stall with a bloody hand! Imagine if someday the makers of Soft Cups put a single disposable latex glove in with each cup-- that would truly be handy!

Just so you are aware, I am not getting paid by anybody or any company to review or recommend this product. I decided to write this blog because my friend had said that she can't believe she had never heard about it but decided it was probably because most women would like to ignore anything related to menstruation. Yep, we try to avoid it like the plague! 

Check out this link to see for yourself:

So after trying and loving the soft cup, I went and bought the Diva Cup. I thought, "What would be better than only having to pay for the cup once and never again?" So after I pleasantly found it on sell on, I ordered it and actually was excited for my next cycle to begin. When the big day came, I took it out of the box and took a good look at it. Compared to the Soft Cup, it was much more narrow (it was like comparing a quarter to a dime circumference), but it was really deep. So, I got ready to put it in because I had already done my YouTube video research on the best fold methods for insertion. Putting it in took a few tries, but once I got it in I could still feel it. I knew it was in correctly because I wasn't leaking and it had a good suction. So, with some advice, I cut the tip of the cup off and tried again. Still too long. If I ran on the treadmill I could feel it just inside my vagina. So after a few more times of trying it, I always went back to the Soft Cup because it fit me better. I read several reviews on both products and the Diva Cup had one review in particular that cracked me up. This reviewer had gotten the cup lost inside of her! I was trying to imagine that as a possibility. I kept trying to shove it in further and I had nowhere for it to go! So it seems maybe my vagina is not as deep as somebody else's? That could be one reason why the actually delivery of my children took only 3-4 pushes where as some of my friends took *gasp* hours to deliver their children!

Check out this link for the Diva Cup:

Even though I am a short two weeks away from not having a uterus anymore, I hope to help all women out there that do! So with all of this nice graphic information that needed to be put out there, I hope you find what works for you because like my friend, all women should not feel tied to their houses just because of their periods! *Can I get an "Amen!" for that?!?*

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