Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Adopting" my kids out for my recovery

I've always heard asking for help is hard. This time, I'm finding it very easy to ask for help.

My own parents hated to ask for help. I think this is where I learned it's better to ask for help than try to go alone. Since they didn't ask for help, the things that they went through were harder than it ever needed to be on them. I also think a lot of family members or friends of the family felt shunned by my parents. I know from my point of view, I want people to know that if they think of me as a good enough friend, I should be a good enough friend to be confided in and a good enough friend to help. There's no judgment for asking for help.

Right now I've asked my friends, church and MOPS group for people that might be willing to help take  my 4 kids for my six week recovery period. It's asking a lot, I know, but would be easier than having people come to my home to help take care of them.

Right now, I have 2 of my kids that have been "adopted" for that period. I feel so blessed that people are willing to help. Am I scared for having my children gone for so long? Absolutely. I have rarely ever been away from my children and it has always been either my husband or I caring for them. The only exception has been when I was in child labor and my brother in law took care of the kids, but that was in my own home.

During my six week recovery period, my son's second birthday will be during that time. I imagine we will still do a small birthday celebration for him. I worry the most about Rowen because he is such a mama's boy and it will be hard having him gone from me for so long. I have faith that God is guiding me in my choices.

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