Monday, July 30, 2012

Feminine Products Review

One of my dear friends and I went to a theme park this last weekend. To find out, she almost had to cancel on me. It was the second day of her cycle. During the first 3 or so days of her period, she normally declines any outings because she is normally a heavy bleeder and cramps pretty bad. However, when she was out to my house this last time, I told her about the Soft Cups and gave her one of my disposable Soft Cups to try.  She sang me praise while we were at the theme park because on a typical period, day one and two she would always have to change her tampon every hour and a half! With the soft cup, she was liberated for a whole 7 hours! Also, she said she is surprised to find out that she doesn't feel bloated or cramped in the first few days of her period. She thinks now that it was more tampon related problems than menstrual problems. 
Now, I have actually not used the Soft Cup for that long either. I've used it for maybe a year. I didn't have anybody recommend it to me. I saw it on a store shelf and decided to try it. I loved it. I run with it and I don't feel a thing. Unlike my friend, I'm actually a light bleeder so I can wear the cup a full 12 hours without needing to worry about it. The only time I would ever have to adjust it would be after a bowel movement because that seemed to tweak where the cup was sitting. So after my friend and I had compared our experiences, the only difference that we came up with it was: I've had four children and so insertion was never a problem for me. However, she has never had children and found the first insertion to be a bit snug but still comfortable. Her only complaint was taking it out was a bit messy but I recommended her using latex gloves to help aid that. In a public place that can be wonderful so you don't have to come out of the bathroom stall with a bloody hand! Imagine if someday the makers of Soft Cups put a single disposable latex glove in with each cup-- that would truly be handy!

Just so you are aware, I am not getting paid by anybody or any company to review or recommend this product. I decided to write this blog because my friend had said that she can't believe she had never heard about it but decided it was probably because most women would like to ignore anything related to menstruation. Yep, we try to avoid it like the plague! 

Check out this link to see for yourself:

So after trying and loving the soft cup, I went and bought the Diva Cup. I thought, "What would be better than only having to pay for the cup once and never again?" So after I pleasantly found it on sell on, I ordered it and actually was excited for my next cycle to begin. When the big day came, I took it out of the box and took a good look at it. Compared to the Soft Cup, it was much more narrow (it was like comparing a quarter to a dime circumference), but it was really deep. So, I got ready to put it in because I had already done my YouTube video research on the best fold methods for insertion. Putting it in took a few tries, but once I got it in I could still feel it. I knew it was in correctly because I wasn't leaking and it had a good suction. So, with some advice, I cut the tip of the cup off and tried again. Still too long. If I ran on the treadmill I could feel it just inside my vagina. So after a few more times of trying it, I always went back to the Soft Cup because it fit me better. I read several reviews on both products and the Diva Cup had one review in particular that cracked me up. This reviewer had gotten the cup lost inside of her! I was trying to imagine that as a possibility. I kept trying to shove it in further and I had nowhere for it to go! So it seems maybe my vagina is not as deep as somebody else's? That could be one reason why the actually delivery of my children took only 3-4 pushes where as some of my friends took *gasp* hours to deliver their children!

Check out this link for the Diva Cup:

Even though I am a short two weeks away from not having a uterus anymore, I hope to help all women out there that do! So with all of this nice graphic information that needed to be put out there, I hope you find what works for you because like my friend, all women should not feel tied to their houses just because of their periods! *Can I get an "Amen!" for that?!?*

Friday, July 27, 2012

Update on my well water that turns everything orange

So I had posted earlier about my well water turning my skin and clothes orange. It is my most read blog. We had put in a Whirlpool brand whole house water filter inside the house. At first we put the mid-range filter in. It was more cloth style filter. It didn't work. Stained more clothes. I was really bummed. So after more research on the web I was even more convinced that we needed a water softener. As you can see in the photo of the first filter we used, there is like orange flakes caught in the filter. What is that? I don't know  if it's rust, mineral or something else. However, I did the research on the web to see what we could do if it was rust and the answer was again a water softener. 

Our next step before we put in the water softener was to try to higher priced filter that went with the Whirlpool filter. It's supposed to be a charcoal filter. So far I'm not turning as orange and I haven't seen really any clothes turn orange, but that's not really saying much as most of them are already spotted orange. Just the other day I threw out this really cute summer dress of my daughters because it was 3/4 orange. It was hideous because of what our water did to it. If it hadn't, I probably would've been able to resale it. My toenails are growing out whiter. Either that or they got a good cleaning and exfoliation when I spent all day at the lake which is very possible. A few days before I went to the lake, somebody commented on my "hip" toenail polish color I was spotting. They were utterly shocked when I said I haven't painted my toes in years and that was the result of my well water. 

So if you have any  recommendations or advice based on experience or qualifications, please please let me know as we are just trying to get this figured out. Thanks!

This next photo is the best orange remover stuff ever! What I love about it it's septic safe! Just pour it on the effected area and it turns from orange to white! I found it at Fred Meyers or Wal-Mart and i runs around $5 a bottle. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What to do at the end of a rough day when you don't drink?

Today was a rough day. The kind of rough where you knew that not only did you yell too much, you screamed too much. Today was the kind of day that I realize My behavior and attitude was so bad, if I was the mother of me, I would be appalled at how I acted today. Today was the kind of day where I wondered, "Was my anti-depressant a placebo or dud today?" It was the kind of day that I'm thinking, "Has tomorrow started yet?"

The funniest thing about today is it was not that bad of a day. Looking back, I think the worst part, was  that I couldn't get my kids listen. Why does that bother me when that's a typical thing? Don't get me wrong. My kids listen sometimes but I feel that lately has been more of a struggle. I have been working with a student in my home so my attention is not on them as much as it used to, but having this student does not stop me one bit from disciplining them. 

So what does a mother do at the end of such a day? There are some days I wish I drank. Sadly for me today, I don't. :D There's certainly enough reason for me to shove my face full of delicious unhealthy food, but unfortunately, my fridge is bare. I would work out to relieve some stress but I can't do that either as I have an injury. So what is a mom to do?

I guess it leaves me to vedge in front of the TV. Maybe I can get drunk off of the bad moments that happened today. Hopefully I'll be sober for tomorrow. ;)

Monday, July 23, 2012


The photo above is a page from my journal. I think that it's really important to journal. It has really helped me as a mother and a wife.

As a mother, I get to make a timeline and illustrate my kids' childhoods in words. Hopefully some day I can make them each a separate book sharing my thoughts on their developments, cute sayings, etc. I think that they will enjoy it someday. Hopefully it will also help them when their mothers and hope that it will give them moments in their motherhood where they can say, "wow, I'm not the only one that thinks this way."

As a wife, it's a way for me to vent. A lot of times I know that I'm only emotional due to reasons that have nothing to do with my spouse. That doesn't mean I don't take it out on him. So writing in my journal with all the honest things I'm feeling make me more level headed and less emotional. 

I've been journaling since my early teen years and I am now learning more ways that I can journal besides just writing down words. Above, I cut out a whole bunch of things that I loved from magazines. The words are from a lot of advertisements or articles. The frame that I used was from like JC Penney's photo studio advertising. I think this collage gives any reader a look into what is in my heart. 

I just hope that anybody would try to journal. I don't write every day or even every month, but I do write when the inspiration or emotions hit!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mom's on Anti-depressants

I recently just got a message from a friend saying that she was sorry she hadn't been able to keep up on our communication. She is having a "hard time" and is on anti-depressants. Much like her, I know the problems that lead to being on anti-depressants. More so, it's the stigma that goes with being on them.

I never had postpartum depression until after my 3rd child was born. It's not the normal depression symptoms that hallmarked the diagnoses. Sure I was tired, but doesn't that come from having 3 kids ages 3 and under? What got me was my irritability. I had this mood that just would explode at any time. I knew it was there, I tried to help it, but it seems somebody else was controlling my outbursts. When I finally lashed out at my oldest child for what I even knew was not a good excuse, I went to the doctor. I saw the look in my child's eyes that mom was kind of scary. I didn't want her to look at me that way. 

After visiting the doctor, I've tried 2 different anti-depressants. Of course we looked for other reasons as to what was happening to me, but all my blood work came back normal. Choosing to go on anti-depressants was hard because Joe's family is pretty against prescription anything. Even Joe struggles with depression at times, whether he wants to admit it or not. I've asked him if he would ever take an anti-depressant just to help get him through the tough times so he can continue to function instead of huddling in a room reading a book. He adamantly said no. I wonder why because that's why I got on the pills. I figured somebody was saying, "Look, all you have to do is take this little pill once a day and you have a better shot at being a better mother." Who would refuse that?

According to WEBMD they said, "There's such extensive literature about the potential negative impact of a mother's depression on her children," Hendrick tells WebMD. "They don't do as well in a variety of factors - scores on IQ tests later on. They don't have a secure attachment with their mother. As they grow up, they tend to show more aggressive behavior toward peers."

I understand everybody's not me and doesn't look at their choices in such a light, but don't you want to have a better shot at being a better parent? I don't mind sharing the fact that I'm on anti-depressants. There's nothing wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with my personality. I have a chemical imbalance. stated so nicely, “An important aspect of our advanced monoamine model is that individuals with depression lose chemicals like serotonin and dopamine at different rates based upon transporter density. This helps explain why one person with depression may experience loss of appetite while another may not. And some people have more severe symptoms than others,” said Dr. Meyer."

So to be a better mom, I am on anti-depressants and I would encourage anybody that balancing out hormones to be a better mom, dad, brother, sister, citizen or whatever is worth a shot. I mean, could it be any worse than where you might be right now? If you don't like being a statistic, throw that out the window. You're a statistic no matter which side your on. The question is, do you want to be a part of this next statistic?

According to,
"The next step for researchers will be to investigate why MAO-A levels are raised in the brain and consider prevention strategies. Prevention strategies are critical — according to the World Health Organization, major depression is currently the fourth leading cause of death and disability and is expected to rise to second by the year 2020."

The supplement I use to help with my depression-- Click that and it will take you to the Solaray Adrenal caps that I use to help aid my depression. I felt amazing one time when the doctor put me on steroids. I got a glimpse of the mom I want to be. So I did some research on a natural way to get that feeling. A lot of the ingredients that I found are in this supplement. Try it, can't hurt!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reviewing Rug Doctor

I recently bought a Rug Doctor from Costco. Our rugs were nasty when we moved in the house and our pets have made them even nastier due them trying to cover up the markings from the previous homeowners pets. I know at this point we should just replace all the carpet but 1)we can't afford new carpet at this point and 2) did you not read I have 4 kids under the age of 6?! So, I invested in the Rug Doctor. My idea, since it was $400, is to rent it out to my friends for $15/day since renting it at a store is $25/day. 
I cleaned Serenity's carpet a week and a half ago. I was really pleased with the results. It is waaayyyy better than before. It smells better in there too. So tonight, with the impending visitation of my in-laws coming up, I wanted to clean out the basement living room. A few hours worth of work later... and it is so much cleaner! Compared to my old steam-vac, I give this one 4 1/2 stars out of 5! I really only have two dislikes out of it. The first dislike comes from the upholstery attachment. The design of the attachment does not seem to be very efficient in scrubbing then sucking up the water. It seems to do both simultaneously. It seems to work adequately though. I will discover more on this when I have to do the stairs but for a mattress it seemed to work okay. The only other thing I wish they would've done with the design of the Rug Doctor was to put the catch tank on the bottom. The soap holding tank holds about a gallon and a half of water but the catch tank holds probably 5 gallons. So to me, it would be very beneficial to keep filling the machine without having to take out the catch tank every time. 

For your amusement, I took before and after photos of the carpet I was working on. Notice the stain on the left side of the photo. That is old paint and I knew that would not come out, but the rest turned out nice. 

The best way to use the machine I found is to: Push forward while releasing soap, then pull to pick up the water, then push forward without releasing soap to pick up more water. The second push forward pushed the carpet pile and made a huge difference on drying time and picked up a surprising amount of water. So thank you Rug Doctor for giving my carpet a bit more life! :D

Monday, July 16, 2012

What are the grounds for finally letting friendships go?

I hold onto my friends forever. If you make me your friend, you've made a wise choice. I am a good, fierce friend. I treat them well and bend over backwards to do anything for my friends that are within my control. However, finding even one friend to do that in return for me is seeming to be a challenge. 

I have stories upon stories of friends disappointing me:

 After Rowen was born, I cried out for help because Joe was repairing our water line. I came home from the hospital less than 12 hours of giving birth. I needed help inside the house caring for my other children while I had no running water. However, nobody come to help. Nobody. I begged. I cried out for help. Nobody came. 

I went across the country to visit a friend, putting my family on hold for a week and putting up with a cost we really couldn't afford. This was last year that I went. I took Rowen with me when he was 6 months old. Then this year, she's 4 hours from me and I told her I would do anything to make sure we could connect. Drive the 4 hours to see her, even if it was for one hour,  I would do it. I guess I'm not a good enough friend to make that happen on her end. It was a huge disappointment because I thought this was the one friend where we would always do anything for each other. It's frustrating because she is single. Lives a single life so if she even came up to visit me for a weekend I would take it and she was just 4 hours away and didn't want to see me. It hurt. 

For my birthday this year, all I wanted was friends to come over, have a potluck and just play games. I had about 17 people that chose to come over. Only 3 people ended up coming. 3 people! The rest of the people texted me or sent me Facebook messages saying that something came up or they were too tired, etc, so they couldn't come. I was really hurt that people chose to come over on my birthday to honor me and chose to back out. 

So as you can see, I have lots of disappointments. The question is is when do you finally let "friends" go that no longer are worthy to be in your life? How do you let people go? I'm still "friends" with people from elementary school, my first job, my second job, my third and last job, high school, mothering groups. It's exhausting being "friends" with everybody that wants to just be acquaintances. 

What's more difficult is dealing with family that say your family and furthermore, friends, but their actions contradict that statement. Hell, if they weren't family, they would've been long gone with the way they treat me. 

I find people that are habitually late or change their plans last minute to be very disrespectful for me. I do not like it and will not have those people in my lives. Saying that you will be at the park to meet me at 10 and then showing up at 10:20 is not respectful or courteous. When did texting people "I'm not going to be there" and flaking become normal? How, as a society, do we combat this? 

I understand emergencies come up. Life happens. I get that. I'm the first person to forgive somebody for saying that they will meet me at the mall at 10am. I show up at 10am and then at 10:15 they text and say an emergency came up. I forgive that, but not being able to get their crap together and bagging it is not forgivable. 

Does anybody else deal with these problems? What do you do? How do you give somebody the boot out of your life? How do you deal with the boot that they should receive but don't just because they're family?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Family is Back Together...For Now Anyways!

Joe got home this weekend. I can't believe he's home. Now it's time for everybody to adjust again... It's more difficult than one might think. The kids are doing, "we'll we've listened to Mama for so long and I don't like her answers so I want DAD!" It's so frustrating for me because now is the time that I look for Joe to back me up. For the most part, he does, but there's a part of him that just doesn't respond. He's exhausted and just wants for it to be taken care of. These moments make me wonder how military families do it. My hats off to you military families!!!!

This week will be a short week as we still won't be able to see Joe a whole lot. His work will get the largest piece of him. Then Friday, we have family coming into town and we will be visiting them for the weekend. Good gosh, I have to figure out how to play hostess to more people. I am not ready to plan on meals for that many people right now. I need good, friendly, no cook, recipes that my kids will eat also. Got any??

I need to get back on track. I learned the other day that I'm now 10 pounds back over my lowest weight. So giddy-up! It's really frustrating. I feel like I can't eat much beyond my 1200 calories because I just balloon up. I need to step back up on my exercising. My mentality is kicking my butt. I'm struggling with my student, let alone trying to deal with myself! lol

I'll be starting to inch up on my surgery date. My body is getting back to normal after my last gallbladder attack. At least functioning normally. I bet most people take for granted just pooping normally. :D Yep, I am brazen enough to mention poop on a blog. God knows I deal with enough poop on a daily basis. Kids' poop, dog poop, cat poop..and my own poop. Thank you Dr. Oz for giving America that poop report! ;)

Ta-Ta everybody and keep pooping! :D

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

WHAT?!? Now I have gallbladder issues!!!

Sunday night Joe and I had gone out to a local restaurant. Several hours afterwords, a pain began below my right rib. I've had the pain before but nothing like last night. I was in so much pain that I was thinking of going to the ER but instead called the doctor on call. Lucky me, my own doctor happened to be on call. I described my pain to him and he told me to skip the ER and to come in the office in the morning. So with those instructions, I took some Tylenol PM and went to bed and slept off the pain.

In the morning, I went into the doctor and I reiterated what I had said over the phone at 1AM. He pushed on me right below my rib and listened to my heart/breathing. Then he told me he thought it sounded like I have gallstone(s) and gave me an order form for an abdominal ultrasound. 

I was able to schedule the ultrasound for the following morning (today). The imagist didn't really say anything to me during the procedure but when she was looking at my gallbladder, I saw this big round thing in the image and she measured it. I asked her what that was. She did say it was a stone but didn't say anything further. 

So now I'm waiting for my doctor's office to call me with the results and then they will send me back to the surgeon. The good news is I already have a surgery date set and also have the surgeon set. The question is is how will they feel doing so many procedures at one time? This I'm almost positive of: I'm now looking at an inpatient stay. 

Right now I've also got one thing I don't want: advice from everybody. I just want people to know that I will be doing what's best for me. I'm not making any rash decisions. I'm doing the research that's necessary so I feel confident in my decision. 

I called Joe today and let him know what is going on. He's so laid-back when it comes to that stuff. He's confident I'm making the decision that I need to and offers no advice. I also called the pastor at my church as they are offering to help me in finding somebody to help take care of things while I'm laid up. 
My MOPS group has offered to help make 4 meals for me and my family. That will be a huge blessing, although if there's one thing I do well it is planning ahead and at the top of planning ahead, I always have meals at the ready in my freezer. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Back to Single Mom Mode

Tonight I dropped off Joe at the airport...again. So I'm back to single mother mode. Having him home for just a short week was exactly that. Short. The only time we really got together was the 4th of July, pat of Saturday and a few hours tonight before he flew out. 

I'm planning on keeping myself busy while he's gone. 

I just bought a Rug Doctor and cleaned Serenity's room with it. I was very impressed! I give it a 4 1/2 STAR review. I just placed all of her things back into her room. Then I want to clean other carpets in my basement. It will be a good week to do it because it's supposed to be HOT. Then I am going to organize Serenity and Ila's clothes. They are so close to the same size that I will be having them share the same school clothes this coming year. A lot of people seem to think its unfair but why should I buy two separate wardrobes when they will be satisfied to share when that's all they know?

Then we put in a new Whirlpool water filter in our house to see if that will help with the iron issue. I'm really hoping it will. 

One of my biggest struggles the last 3 weeks is dealing with Aviana screeching, screaming, and her whininess. I can handle the whininess but the screeching and screaming over everything makes me go batty! If you have any recommendations while reading this, I am up for it. We've ignored it and it doesn't work. She does it more. Putting her in her room while she does it curtails it some, but not enough. It's just exhausting. She was doing better for awhile with it, but the last few weeks with Joe being gone, it got worse again. Goodness, I love that little girl, but her screeching I do not love. 

Well, I'm signing off because I need to get some rest so I can wake up tomorrow and get stuff done! Wish me luck and God's grace because I will surely need it. 

Friday, July 6, 2012


 So we needed more counter space so we put our dish drainer in the left side of the sink for awhile. But for our large family, we needed the sink space too. So I came up with the idea of hanging our sink strainer over the sink, hung with decorative chain I got at Fred Meyer and the strainer at Wal-Mart.

Top Left: Rowen ~ Top Right: Ila, Serenity and Rowen
Bottom: Ila, Serenity and Aviana

The Best Way to Clean Up Vomit

This week has been a little rough to say the least. Last Sunday night, Rowen spent all night vomiting. Yuck! Then on the 4th of July, we came home from a wonderful day out. About an hour after going to bed, Serenity woke us up saying she had vomited all over her bed (and 2 walls). Yuck! Thursday, Aviana and Rowen both threw up all over the floor, within 10 minutes of each other. Then today, I ate a homemade chili for lunch then did a 3 mile run. Shortly after, I felt sick and vomited up my lunch. Yuck! Then a few hours later, I had taken my kids downtown to run an errand. Upon parking the car, Rowen and Aviana both vomited all over their carseats. I went to my husbands work and pulled my van into their wash bay. I pulled out both car seats and one bucket seat and pressure-washed away all the vomit. Yea for me being a smart mama! I had Rowen just hang in his diaper after that and I found a stray dress in the back for Aviana. Went back and finished my errand because I had to do it in such a short time. :D

So here's a photo of my brilliant plan. Note the carseats behind me.

Monday, July 2, 2012

What a Park Outing Looks Like with 4 Children

Today I was texting a friend back and forth about whether we wanted to meet together or not. Going out by myself with my 4 young children is actually a nerve racking experience. It's exhausting being hyper-vigiliant, let alone enjoying myself. 

My friend suggested we meet up in 45 minutes. So I quickly got out of bed where I had been taking a nap. I had my girls all get their swim suits on while I got snacks, towels, sunscreen and hair stuff. That's the thing that people don't think about when taking into account "getting ready time". Hair. Oh the hair! I know some people enjoy doing their daughters' hair. I am not one of them. If I had only one daughter, maybe. However, God did not take it into account that I would have 3 daughters with massive amounts of hair! I alternated layering them with sunscreen (also a big job) and fixing their hair. I ran out of time fast. Luckily, for my 4th child I was blessed with a son, who does not take as much time to get ready. ;)

We got to the park right on time, whereas my friend that has one child (a daughter), texted me letting me know she was going to be a few minutes late. Actually ended being 1/2 hour late. 
As I get the kids out of the van, I take a few minutes and using a Sharpe, I write my cell phone number on their arms. Not their names too because I don't want a stranger seeing them and calling them by their first name in pretense making my child think that the stranger knows them. I remind my kids while I'm writing on them not to talk to people we don't know and to stay in a specific area. 

Now before you get all judgmental that I'm marking my kids up, keep in mind that a sharpe will last up to a few days and will not harm them (I didn't find out anywhere on the web that the ink would be dangerous). Now with my older children, you think, "Why not just have them memorize the phone number?" Remember what it was like to be 5 years old and to be scared. I mean scared with the only thought in your mind is, "Where is mom?" Kids when they're scared are not even going to remember their name. Or it will take a lot of blubbering to get it out, even if the adult can understand the name. 

Moving on... I also my kids where sun hats in the summer. I get them from The hats block the sun and make it easy to identify my kids from a distance. Each of my children have a different color hat, that way I can just scan the heads of kids looking.. Oh there's green, the blue, the purple...Where's the beige? Oh, there she is! I started doing this because 1) other kids generally don't wear hats which make mine easy to spot 2) get all your kids ready or who get ready themselves and try to remember what they all were wearing. Nearly impossible! Hats are so much easier. 

So off we went and the kids had so much fun. I always round up my kids when even just one has to go to the bathroom. And when one has to go, that means they all will try so I don't have to worry about going again. You just can't trust leaving any child alone for any length of time these days. Even to go to the bathroom. What if there was a predator in the bathroom lurking, waiting for that  moment? Before you make any change of direction of your outing, you have to think, "what is the worst dangers that could happen. If this was an awful news headline, what would it read?

For the love of goodness moms, don't lug a ton of stuff around with you! A lot of times I'll keep a men's small wallet and just my cell phone on me. I keep one in each pocket or in my granny pocket (sports bra). This keeps both of my hands free so I can catch a stumbling toddler or hold hands. It also means that if I have to chase after my kids, I don't need to worry about dropping my valuable stuff. Also, I always wear comfortable shoes I can run in. What if your child was snatched by somebody. Would you be able to chase after them in your shoes? Think safety over fashion. I love the sandal selection at REI. Great selection with stylish options. 

I hope you learned some great ways to help keep you and your kids safe in outings. Let me know if you have any other good ideas. :D