Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Surgery has past!

So excited to inform you all that the come and gone date for my surgery has past and I am still among the living! YEA! 
So I went in on the 14th and had a very low-key admittance. I said good-bye to Joe and they started to take me to the back area and I just kind of slunk back on the bed and the nurse said, "Oh good, that's finally kicking in." I was like when did she give me anything? lol I don't even remember making it into the operating room. 
I do remember waking up though. Crying my eyes out. Oh, the pain and trauma caused to my pubic symphysis was bad! I knew it was going to hurt, but my goodness this hurt worse than child birthing! The nurse, bless her heart, was stroking my forehead and asking what I needed and I just said, "Get me down to Inland Imaging and get them to do a steroid shot into my pubis symphasis!" They whisked me off, and in what felt like only 15 minutes after waking from surgery, I was going in and and out of the CT scanner getting yet another needle jammed in between my pelvis plates. I was hoping the short term pain of having this would help long term when I needed it the most. Most of this procedure, I was still did not have all of my cognitive functions working! However, I was able to get the message to Joe that they were taking me down to Inland Imaging to get the procedure done. 
They wheeled me into my room early afternoon Tuesday. They had me going on morphine along with a nice mix of other meds. As I came around, my knight in shining armor showed up with a nice vase of roses. It's certainly impressed when they choose to spend on items like these when you know they're too cheap to otherwise! Most of Tuesday was a blur. On Wednesday morning, they tried taking out my catheter, but with no luck in me going pee on my own, we ended up putting it back in. Now, I didn't have amazing "on the ball" type nurses, so wednesday and thursdays are just heaped together at this point in confusions of them trying to take the catheter out, having no success with it, me getting behind on pain meds because of nausea that they couldn't solve until they got an IV back in me, etc. I mean, at one point wednesday I believe, I went a full 7 hours without any pain meds. I thought I was going to have to rip somebody a new hole!
Then Thursday evening, the wonderful time arrived for me to come home, catheter still in it's rightful place in my vagina. We were hoping that once we got home, we would be able to manage the timing of the meds better than my nurses did. We were pretty successful with that. We were unsuccessful at keeping food and liquids down me. I started retching worse than when I was hospital. Thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday all jumble for me again here because I was in a bad way. A lot of vomiting...wondering if I could pull through. Joe kept trying to get me to eat or drink but I was at the point I just felt like I was waiting for a bad flu to pass and once it did, I would be able to start eating and drinking again. When Joe felt like I needed to go back to the hospital, I made him call the docs instead. I was right. 
Can I just do a little dance over that?
I was right! 
The docs just added another anti-nausea pill that knocked-me-out! I had crazy weird dreams. I mean dreams that could have covered the lives over that Joe and I shared but in a weird, alternate reality sort of way. Then today, Monday, I woke up still tired, but up.... Like the storm had finally passed. I'm up eating, drinking, and even catching up on the latest Web feeds. Of course, I even made time to watch one of my favorite shows, "Grimm"!  
So, now, looking forward for me, I will just keep on healing. I've weened myself off the worst of my meds and am now just taking Tylenol with Codeine, some groovy stuff that turns my pee blood orange that coats the urethra, and simple ibuprofen. Somewhere, in the midst of my medical drama, I decided, to myself, that I would take the quick downfall and just jump ship off my anti-depressant. I figure while my body is adjusting to it's new self, why not see how it does without the anti-depressant? If it goes well, then great and no need to wean myself off it like the doctor said it would be a miserable experience...if it goes poorly, well, I want to try to herbal support that I've been taking to see what that does by itself. If worst, I just get back on the pills. But this is the one change I have to get things under control while my kids are gone, in other people's houses. 
Wish me luck and look forward to my un-edited, unrated, true life tales of how maybe one mommy can go from med-mommy to hopefully less scary mommy without the meds. :D

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