Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why I don't always post...

I was thinking today, it has been a long while since I posted anything.... Then I was thinking it is because most of the time I think nobody will be interested in the same 'ol mommy life that is always going on. 

As a family unit, not too much is going on as far as actions. We have the normal daily grind: school, housework, work, more of the before mentioned. Exciting, huh? 

The only thing really worth mentioning these days is Joe and I are driving down to Portland tomorrow for the Portland Marathon. This will be the first time we've been away together from our kids for more than 18 hours! The excitement is almost more than I can bare! :D  Although in some regards, this is an annual trip for us and our schedule is already set and we can't even enjoy whatever food we want until Sunday because I know for me, eating unhealthy food gives me cramps when I run. Out of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we really only have a few hours free on Saturday to do whatever we want. The rest of the time is spent traveling, picking up race packets, etc. 

On another high note (and news worthy for our lives!) is Joe will no longer be working swing-shift. He's been working for nearly 9 years and all has either been grave-yard or swing-shift. I can't tell you in mommy world how exciting that is for me! Because of his typical schedule, he doesn't get to see our school aged children much (just the hour and a half in the morning before they go to school). Before we had kids in school, it worked out fine. I made a family dinner for lunch then when he was gone, I served lunch for dinner. That worked out pretty well. However, after the older two went to school, I battled with deciding if we should keep that routine or if I should have a family dinner every night just without Joe? We've done a combination of the two and I've really hated it. Also, in the evening, I'm normally pretty bored and desire company, but all my mommy friends don't want to get together because they're husbands are home from work at that time. So, with him going to day shift, we can have a more "normal" functional family life-style and Joe can help me with the horrific evenings where I've normally been the one to deal with: cranky kids, homework, dinner, bath time, and bedtime. The last month since school has started has been a real struggle for me to get Serenity and Ila's homework done since both are designed to have parents standing right beside the student helping. 

So, other than that, I have been going through the daily grind, feeling that nothing of interest to the general public has really happened. Let the grind go on....

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