Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I've had it... FTM

So I'm putting it out there that sometimes I'm a bit ignorant of text slang because we don't text much and refuse to pay for it. 

Just a forewarning, I'm not singling any of my friends out, I've just seen this tons and it made me think. Yes, this is a pretty unimportant post, but it was on my mind.  Anyhow, read on...

I've seen a lot of FML on Facebook. I had a good idea what it meant, mostly by context. So tonight I researched it and confirmed it means FUCK MY LIFE. I find that so historical because most of the people that use it have pretty good lives and would probably agree. 

Tonight I got in a disagreement with my husband and "FML" flashed through my mind. Really though, that wasn't appropriate for the situation. I love my husband and I would not trade shoes with anybody. So I was thinking, there has got to be a better abbreviation for things like that. So, how bout we switch to:


Doesn't that just sound so much better? Just think about how much more positive we could all sound by telling the world we don't hate our life, just the moment are in. 

Happy texting!

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