Sunday, November 24, 2013

Freezer Tips

You've probably seen those tips flying around Pintrest or Facebook of women that freeze dinners, sauces, soups, etc in freezer bags and have them stocked on top of each other nice and tidy. I tried that for awhile. It's great while in the freezer but it seemed to get messy in the preparing stage and definitely in the thawing stage. It never failed that I got some food stuck in the zipper and when it was thawing, the bag opened or leaked and became a mess. 

In my opinion, I came up with a better option. I freeze nearly everything in canning jars or glass jars that food originally came in (like spaghetti sauce). They're reusable and if you're recycling the ones that food was prepackaged in, more brownie points for you! 

What's wonderful about putting sauces and soups in these jars is that you can stick them straight from the freezer into a crockpot filled with water. Turn on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4-6 hours and you can evenly heat the contents.

 Everybody wants a different kind of soup for dinner? No problem. Thawing Alfredo sauce for dinner? It thaws to more of a texture when you originally made it. If you make spaghetti for dinner and only use 1/2 a jar, stick the rest in the freezer and thaw/heat in a water bath when you are ready. 

So put the ziplock bags away and go grab a jar! 

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